Big Public Buyers Collaboration Network for Strategic Public Procurement - Big Buyer 3
The main objective of this call for tender is to improve the business environment of innovative SMEs and make public procurement an attractive option for these economic operators through an enhanced uptake of strategic public procurement in Europe. Such uptake is achieved through partnership between big public buyers such as cities, regions, hospitals, central purchasing […]
Sanctions à l’encontre de la Russie en matière de marchés publics : la Commission européenne publie une FAQ
La Commission européenne a publié, le 12 mai dernier, une foire aux questions relatives aux sanctions à l’encontre de la Russie en matière de marchés publics. Ce document répertorie une liste de 35 questions/réponses qui apportent un éclairage précieux sur la mise en œuvre de l’article 5 duodecies du règlement (UE) n° 833/2014 du Conseil du 31 […]
WHO’s procurement activities in 2021
WHO’s procurement activities in 2021 his report provides information on WHO’s procurement activities in 2021. It covers procurement of goods and services, and also includes COVID-19-related procurement. The intended audience for the report is WHO staff, Member States, external partners and it is also available for general public consumption. Introduction Founded in 1948, WHO […]
Openbare aanbestedingen voor diensten van conferentietolken: tolken sturen hun aanbevelingen naar de overheid
Openbare aanbestedingen voor diensten van conferentietolken: tolken sturen hun aanbevelingen naar de overheid Brussel, mei 2022 – Vijf jaar na een eerste succesvolle samenwerking sloegen de Belgische vereniging van vertaal-bedrijven (BQTA) en de Belgische Kamer van Vertalers en Tolken (BKVT) opnieuw de handen in elkaar. Ook de feitelijke groepering van freelance tolken, Freelance Interpreters United […]
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