Single Market Scoreboard 2021: Member States edging forward to a better implementation of Single Market rules for a more resilient Europe
Today, the Commission published the Single Market Scoreboard 2021, which shows that, despite improvements in certain areas, better implementation of Single Market rules is needed on the ground. Such improvements would help EU businesses and citizens fully benefit from their freedoms and rights, to facilitate green and digital transitions. Thanks to the Single Market, the EU […]
Use public procurement to make healthy and sustainable food accessible and affordable to all Europeans
Use public procurement to make healthy and sustainable food more easily accessible and affordable to all Europeans, a leading MEP together with local governments and campaigners told EU leaders. Sarah Wiener, Member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture and Rural Development Committee (AGRI), joins support for a new coalition of municipalities, environmental, social and health non-profit organisations calling […]
Commerce: accord provisoire en vue de la promotion de la réciprocité dans l'accès aux marchés publics internationaux
La présidence du Conseil et le Parlement européen sont parvenus à un accord provisoire sur un projet de règlement visant à promouvoir la réciprocité dans l'accès aux marchés publics internationaux. L'accord provisoire est soumis à l'approbation du Conseil et du Parlement européen avant de faire l'objet de la procédure d'adoption formelle. Cet acte législatif permettra […]
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